Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Words left unsaid ...

Are there things you wish you'd told your loved one or stories you'd like to share about your life since he or she has been gone? Write a letter to Heaven's Mailbox.

If you've lost a baby, you can use this link to share on the Baby Angels Foundation website; otherwise, feel free to post your letter in the comments section at the end of this post.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sunshine!
    I've been thinking about you a lot today and wondering what you're doing in Heaven - probably picking lots of flowers for Mother's Day! I sure do miss you. I have pictures on my desk at work of you nestled in the little bed after you were born, wearing your pink hat. I have pictures of me holding you and you sitting all by yourself in your Bumbo seat. Such a big girl!

    Wyatt says your name a lot and says "That's my sister" when he sees your picture. It makes me smile to know that you hand-selected him for us. He's going to take your picture to school for show and tell day. It's hard for him to understand where you are - how you were here before him and why you're not here now. It's hard for me to understand sometimes too. I know you're with God and that you're safe, and that I'll see you again. It just seems like a long time to wait ...

    In the meantime, I'll continue to tell you stories about my day and talk to you when I'm sad ... and when the breeze blows a certain way or a butterfly lands on my arm, I'll know it's you - telling me about your day.

    I love you baby girl - XOXO
